Friday, 7 May 2010

[RG] Evaluation Q4-Q7

Q4-5) Our films target audience was any people from the age of 15 (the films certificate) up to people in their late-twenties/ early-thirties. Because of the films nature, large amount of fast-paced action and many scenes of violence, the film was expected to be preferred by males, although there are many aspects of the film that have appeal to females as well.

Q6) Through the course I’ve picked up a lot of new technology based skills that I previously would have been unable to do. To make the film it was necessary to pick up techniques for filming and editing otherwise the piece would have been harder to make and of lower quality. Working on a blog was a highly efficient way of managing group work and keeping bits up to date while approaching the deadline. On the blog we were able to work together as a group and comment on new posts.

It was a good way to get ourselves prepared for filming. Once our filming began we took the camera out to our original location with the tripod and looked for good places to set up shots. We always considered how the framing would make the shot look through rule of thirds and if the lighting was effecting the picture or continuity. One problem we faced on our first shoot was it got dark too quickly.

Fortunately we were able to overcome this by changing the contrast in editing. We used the editing to change the filters on every shot to give the piece its own “feel” that fitted the genre. When comparing our production to the production of a real film the work was done in the same order with our audience research and location ideas coming way first before filming and finally editing the shots/sounds.

Q7) When we initially filmed our preliminary task we were unfamiliar with using the cameras and weren’t 100% on how to film what we wanted effectively. We only did each shot once for the preliminary which meant we had to cut it very short to edit out the bad angles/lighting. The preliminary was very helpful in the long run despite me seeing it as a waste of time at first. It was the base for us learning how to handle the camera and plan out our shots and it also taught us about how to pace running and cutting to keep the footage visually interesting. By filming our preliminary as a chase scene when we came to filming another chase scene for the actual opening we had a good idea of what looks good. By having used slow pans and handy cam shots before we were able to do them more effectively and with enough ease that would could put extra effort into making sure the shots were just right. We learnt a lot about continuity editing in our preliminary task and used this knowledge effectively in deciding where to cut our final opening. The planning time in between doing the preliminary task and the film opening was extremely helpful.

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